The PSHE/ RSE Curriculum at St Paul’s will help learners develop the following characteristics:
• A caring and considerate approach which will help them develop into adults who treat others with respect
• A strong sense of self-worth
• An understanding of how to look after themselves (physically, financially, emotionally and mentally).
• The ability to take care of each other
• A sense of responsibility for; themselves, each other, our school, local environment and our world.
• An appreciation to celebrate difference and diversity
To develop these characteristics they will explore the following key concepts:
- Relationships- This concept involves respecting others and ourselves, families and friendships, safe relationships
- Living in the wider world- This concept involves belonging to a community, media literacy and digital resilience, money and work
- Health and Wellbeing- This concept involves ourselves, growing and changing, keeping safe, physical and mental wellbeing.
They will also explore the following key concepts:
- Try new things- This skill involves appreciating the range of life opportunities.
- Work hard- This skill involves understanding the importance of effort.
- Concentrate- This skill involves understanding how to become focused.
- Push oneself- This skill involves understanding how to overcome doubts and insecurities.
- Imagine- This skill involves understanding how to apply knowledge inventively.
- Improve- This skill involves an appreciation that small improvements make big differences.
- Understand others- This skill involves an appreciation of others.
- Not give up- This skill involves the understanding of the importance of persistence.